Wednesday 14 March 2018 at 8pm



Joachim Son-Forget is a 34 year old member of the French National Assembly from the movement La République en Marche!, representing the French citizens overseas in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. He is also a medical doctor specialised in radiology, he holds a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, and happens to have an immense passion for playing the harpsichord. This distinguished musician will play the music of composers before, after, and around Bach, whilst interacting with the audience and unfolding his musical choice.

Ticket prices: 150 - Priority booking to Festival Friends LBP
Sponsored byL’Institut Français du Liban

•  Preamble: “From the East and out of time”
PESSON, Gérard (1958)
• L’emmitouflée, extract from “Tombeau de Rameau”

Before Bach
FROBERGER, Johann Jakob (1616- 1667)
• “Lamento sopra la dolorosa perdita della Real Maestà di Ferdinando IV Rè de Romani”
FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo (1583- 1643)
• Toccata prima
BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685 – 1750)
• “Prelude,” from Partita for Lute-harpsichord in C Minor, BWV 997
COUPERIN, François (1668 – 1733)
• “Les ombres errantes”

Around Bach
RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe (1683- 1764)
• “L’entretien des muses”
BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685 – 1750)
• Concerto in D minor (BWV 974) after Alessandro Marcello’s Concerto
BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685 – 1750)
• Bach English Suite No. 2 in A minor – Sarabande
RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe (1683- 1764)
• Gavotte et six doubles
BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685 – 1750)
• Aria from the Goldberg Variations