Tuesday 18 February 2020 at 8.30pm
Symphony No. 5
Piano Concerto No. 5 ‘The Emperor’
Gloria Campanerpiano
Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra
Gianluca Marcianòconductor
The 27th edition of the Festival takes off with Beethoven’s best known Fifth Symphony. Who doesn’t know its ominous first four notes Da‑Da‑Da‑Dum? Also called the Fate Symphony, it was composed when Beethoven was in his mid-thirties and troubled by increasing deafness.
The Piano Concerto No. 5 is Beethoven’s most accomplished concerto and popularly known as The Emperor concerto. It will be played by the celebrated Italian pianist Gloria Campaner, one of the most eclectic and versatile musicians of her generation, invited for the 3rd time to the Festival.